The Entrapment of the Mind

Our ego is an extension of the intellect. When we create the belief that our limited self, that our ego “knows” (believes) something, we begin identification with the intellect as our sense of self. Then, rather than being a “tool”, a servant of our TRUE SELF, the intellect becomes a “false god” that we worship.

In this age of information that we live in … everyone seems to have the “answers” … but very few are living in peace, freedom and self-mastery.

People who have answers for everything and think they already “know” are simply asserting their ego, identity self. In fact, on another level – they are showing how little they really know.

There is nothing “wrong” about this … it is the path to self-mastery or enlightenment, for we must develop a strong sense of our self before we merge with our True Self (our own unbounded awareness).

The question for each individual is : “how much time do I need to do more ego self-development before I decide to move into being the TRUE SELF?”

The gravity (habit) of learning intellectual facts and asserting one’s self-view (intellectual knowledge) as “the view” is strong in our culture as “who would we be if we did not know all the answers?”

It is like the Zen story about the student who is overflowing with all the knowledge he has attained and the master says; “come see me when you are a little more empty and ready to learn”

We as a culture believe in the force orientation of the ego, that asserting our knowledge and ability is real power … and we are always right at lower levels of consciousness ..

However, beyond force is true power. It is simple and effortless and much more clear and wise … it is enlightenment – beyond the individual mind with its mental ideas and assumptions.

To believe in the ego/intellect’s knowledge from the viewpoint of enlightenment – is like holding onto a cup of water when one has the infinite ocean of cosmic intelligence (our own awareness) to rely on!

Why settle for local ego-mind when available to everyone, there is the “One Mind” that truly knows everything?

It knows through experiencing … stop and feel that for yourself. It does not think … it feels life as an experience. When we are fully present in each moment and live from our infinite being (self-awareness) we have the totality of the cosmic mind and its infinite resources at our disposal! This is how we tap into intuitive genius and effortless creative power (“living in the flow”, “being in the zone”).

From that space a desire is a command for the universe to fulfill! We are dreamers in a dream that we dream up through our assumptions, beliefs and desires … and through our resistance, our limiting beliefs. We create them both by our own decision … either consciously or in most cases unconsciously … by being un-aware.

To step beyond duality of the mind into wholeness of awareness is the step from self- knowledge and self-absorption(ego) into being the whole SELF… Enlightenment!

This has become much easier thanks to a very real and effective strategy called the Self Discovery Techniques and Self Discovery Life Mastery Process. We now can go beyond desiring and resisting from the mind and create clarity and wisdom and anything else our heart desires! Find out for yourself how this amazing next step for humanity is rapidly unfolding …

There are little known ways to rapidly accelerate developing these abilities …

The Self Discovery Life Mastery Process is the most direct, Evolutionary and Revolutionary Strategy – currently available – to rapidly accelerate Self and Life Mastery!

Copyright Rob James, Self Discovery Group LLC