The Purpose Economy:  The New Model of Business versus the Old Model of Business.

As the Information Age comes to an end, the “Old Model” of business is fast being replaced by the “New Model”.

True Success = Effectiveness + Well-being

What does this mean?  

The Old Model of Business is driven by the bottom line with the primary focus being on how much profit can be generated, with everyone and everything else being secondary to this goal.

The New Model of business is founded on core ideals and values and is driven by Vision and Purpose.  When the primary focus of a business is on providing value and excellence to their clients, the natural by-product is increased success, income and most importantly, fulfillment.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”  – Albert Einstein  

Everyone wants to arrive home at the end of their workday feeling good about themselves, that they did the best job they could and that they made a difference!

As today’s businesses leaders and today’s entrepreneurs seek innovative ways to grow their companies, many are coming to the realization that the vital components necessary for true success are their own and their team’s well-being and fulfillment as well as effective inter-personal communications and connections.

To quote well-known motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar:  “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

The more people focus attention on their vision, ideals and purpose, the more they are inspired by their lives and their work, and are more likely to “jump out of bed in the morning” – instead of hitting the snooze button – because they are passionate and excited about what they will be creating in the day ahead of them!

Since a business is the reflection of those who lead it, the more the business leader(s) makes their personal growth and empowerment a priority, by focusing on fulfilling their own vision and purpose, they more they will naturally support their team in focusing on fulfilling their personal vision and ideals.  

As this trickles through the business, the result is that they all provide greater value and excellence to their clients, and the more the business thrives and expands.

A business grows and evolves as fast as its leader does.

“I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers.”   –  Sir Richard Branson 

The first great benefit of learning the simple experiential skills of self-mastery, is stress management.  In 2017, the results of a Gallup Poll showed that “79% of Americans feel stress sometimes or frequently during their day.”  And that work is one of the biggest stressors. 

The more a person is stressed, the more they are prevented from another great benefit of self-mastery, which is developing the ability to access deeper levels of intuitive guidance and wisdom. 

This is where true innovation originates – tapping into original ideas and aligned actions that come from trusting yourself and following that guidance, which is unique to you and your vision.

So if you are committed to becoming more of The New Model of Business, and your business is not growing and evolving as fast as you’d like it to .. ask yourself … are you growing, experiencing and fulfilling as much of your own limitless potential as you could be?

The Self Discovery Life Mastery Process is the most direct, evolutionary and revolutionary strategy – currently available – to rapidly accelerate the Self and Life Mastery Process!

Copyright:  Susan James, Self Discovery Group LLC