Library of Articles

Failure is the Path to Success

Once a person arrives at some level of success, they realize that it was only by learning from their life experiences that they were able to be successful. Understanding that we must have the courage to face our fears and…

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Our Greatest Enemy is Within

At a certain point in our personal growth as human beings, we realize that all the problems that we have created in our life were created by us. Even if we suspect this at only a faint intuitive level, we…

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The Beginner’s Mind

In the Zen tradition they talk about how in order to attain enlightenment, we must adopt the beginner’s mind. Very few people know what this truly means, and it has been turned into philosophical nonsense and this stuff is erroneous…

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The Consciousness Age

Humanity Evolves Beyond Force into Power There have been many different “ages” that civilization has moved through over the past few hundred years. You will get different answers depending on who you ask, but it is generally agreed that since…

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The Entrapment of the Mind

Our ego is an extension of the intellect. When we create the belief that our limited self, that our ego “knows” (believes) something, we begin identification with the intellect as our sense of self. Then, rather than being a “tool”,…

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