The Power of Presence
The most powerfully transformational reality we can explore as humans is to be fully present with our moment-to-moment life experience; to fully acknowledge and be aware of our thoughts and emotions and physical sensations as they occur. When we embrace our life in this way, everything begins to “flow” and transform in truly amazing ways!
The natural healing process of our body begins – and stored emotions and sensations that we formerly were unconscious of begin to surface. As we become aware of them and allow them to flow without resistance, without trying to “fix” them or “process” them or analyze them or “do” anything at all to them – just the act of passively observing them creates a miraculous transformation!
The “charges” that were held in our body begin to dissipate much like discharging a battery and we free more of our attention to use as we decide. We can then live with more deliberation, self-determination and the result is more freedom and clarity in our life.
The law of least effort applies fully here – how much effort does it take for the grass to grow or for birds to fly or for the Earth to whirl at an incredible speed through space! How much effort do you want to exert to live your life? If most of us ask our heart this question we will hear the intuitive answer – effortless living. When we surrender to fully experiencing each moment, our natural tendency is to live in this “eternal now” and life flows effortlessly – you meet exactly who you need to and experience exactly what you need to move your life in a more expansive and fulfilling direction … serendipity becomes the norm.
Some of us have struggled for so long that we believe it is the only way, we believe we deserve to suffer because we did not do what our parents or society programmed us to do exactly the way they told us to. Far more fundamental to who we are – our heart yearns to be free and for us to fulfill our true desires and deliver our original and unique message to the world, our life purpose, to fully express ourselves as who we are.
Most of us know all of this intellectually – the question to ask yourself is how conscious are you being? How much of the time are you being fully aware and present? How about right now? Are you aware of the room you are in or your body or the thoughts you are having right now? Are any of your identities running you on automatic? Is your mind “stuck” in the think, think, think mode with opinions about everything? Observe it right now for a moment and see …
This is all you ever need do – practice being aware of yourself and observe yourself moment-to-moment. Choose to act only from inspiration and intuition and watch the miracles begin!
If you want to deepen your ability to be conscious in every moment of life and release limitations to your joy and success – you will want to explore the Self Discovery Life Mastery Process!
What does your intuition tell you?
There are little known ways to rapidly accelerate developing these abilities …
The Self Discovery Life Mastery Process is the most direct, Evolutionary and Revolutionary Strategy – currently available – to rapidly accelerate Self and Life Mastery!
Copyright Rob James, Self Discovery Group LLC