The Sacred and the Profane

In a culture where thinking “positive” or “negative” is thought to be so important for personal empowerment, there is a much more potent and powerful way of managing our life.

The sacred is anything that is important and valuable to our existence, anything that adds to our life force resulting in more happiness, creative power and well-being.

The profane is anything that takes away from that which we hold to be sacred.

Thoughts alone are impotent. Thoughts magnetized, “charged” with emotion are powerful!

So, any thought that we add the “sacred” emotions to such as love, erotic energy, appreciation, gratitude, awe, desire, fascination become powerful and create more of what we have our attention on in our lives.

Any thought that we add “profane” emotions to – such as fear, hate, rage, resistance, etc., become dis-empowering and create more of what we have our attention on.

So, from this explanation of the power of thought charged with emotion we begin to understand how we are creating our life experiences. You can explore what you resist in your life and you will see that it shows up plenty in your life – the more you resist it the more it shows up!

You can explore what you hold sacred in your life and you will see that you are creating more of it by holding it as sacred.

Belief, conviction, faith is the most powerful of all “sacred” emotions for creating our reality.

To believe something with absolute certainty is creating with divine power. Faith, which is absolute rock solid belief, is said to move mountains in all the scriptural teachings of humanity.

So, every time you generate and feel a sense of the sacred – awe, love, fascination, desire, appreciation, etc. – you are adding more of whatever the subject of your attention is into your life.

Every time you generate the profane thoughts and emotions such as hate, resistance, rage, fear, etc., you are adding more of whatever the subject of your attention is into your life.

The “mechanics of consciousness” are just like quantum physics and apply to us all equally. We are source over our lives by the decisions we make, the attitudes we create and the beliefs we choose to hold.

However, we must believe something fully and let go of any conflicting beliefs or we are mis-aligned, working against our self and therefore stress is the result.

What are some limiting beliefs that are causing your stress and are misaligned with your heart’s desires? Feel into it ….

If you hold money to be “sacred” it will become a friend and you will begin to enjoy it and have all you need. The same goes with health, well-being,relationships, and everything else. You must find out what unconscious belief patterns you hold that are “profaning” your feelings about money or whatever you have stress about in your life.

Merely thinking positively is not potent because it does not have enough energized “charge” to create anything and is a shallow level of functioning. To have powerful beliefs and master our creativity, we must live from the heart – from our sacred center.

This ability is challenging to learn and master and most people have many layers of resistance and negative emotions blocking them from living from their “center”.
Most people need an effective strategy and support to master this skill.

Learning to find the limiting beliefs and emotions that sabotage us from living a “heart-centered”, blissful life of creativity and power and releasing these blocks is a very sacred skill and is not currently well-understood by humanity.

Luckily, the Self Discovery Techniques and Self Discovery Life Mastery Process has made that ability much more easy and more and more people are living a life that is “sacred”. You deserve to create a more sacred, satisfying, stress free life – find out more about our work and how it is empowering people like nothing else out there!

There are little known ways to rapidly accelerate developing these abilities …

The Self Discovery Life Mastery Process is the most direct, Evolutionary and Revolutionary Strategy – currently available – to rapidly accelerate Self and Life Mastery!

Copyright Rob James, Self Discovery Group LLC